Journal Entry #1

 First Newspapers

   Today a lot of news is made up. A long time ago they had people going around with the news papers and you may not hear about it for a long time because it would take a while to develop it and get it out to people. In the first newspapers there are no bold headings or pictures. It is plain. While today we can quickly find out news anywhere and anytime and there are pictures and videos to go along with it. Older papers were boring. Now it is interesting but I still don't pay attention.

  Newspaper Suppression

 In my opinion, the government should not have so much control over the news. A lot of information is hidden from the public so we don't completely know what is going on, just what we are exposed to. They most likely want things controlled like this so we aren't aware of certain things, when we have the right to be aware of them.

Publishing today

   I don't think the government should have so much control and we should be able to access certain things going on in the world we are interested in knowing about, rather than it kind of being prohibited to know about.
